首页 百科知识 县前汤圆馆历史悠久在里面能吃到最地道的县前汤圆


时间:2022-02-05 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:当地人认为汤圆象征着团团圆圆,也会带来运气,因为他们形状圆圆的,而且肤如白雪。汤圆中,由芝麻、豆瓣酱,和猪肉作为填料的最为有名。县前汤圆馆历史悠久,在里面能吃到最地道的县前汤圆。Tangyuan is a kind of dumpling having different kinds of ingredients as its stuffing.The locals regard Tangyuan as the symbol of reunion and luck because of their round shapes and pure white colors.Among all the kinds of Tangyuan,those made of sesames,bean paste and pork are the most famous ones.Xian Qian Restaurant has a long history of making these dumplings,providing you with an excellent chance to enjoy the most traditional and genuine Tangyuan.


Tangyuan is a kind of dumpling having different kinds of ingredients as its stuffing.The locals regard Tangyuan as the symbol of reunion and luck because of their round shapes and pure white colors.Among all the kinds of Tangyuan,those made of sesames,bean paste and pork are the most famous ones.Xian Qian Restaurant has a long history of making these dumplings,providing you with an excellent chance to enjoy the most traditional and genuine Tangyuan.

