首页 百科知识 看速递行业如何做电商


时间:2022-08-27 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:From SFbest to Sfstore:How Can SF Develop E-commerce Business本案例由华东师范大学郭玉冰撰写初稿,倪丰燕修改。由于企业保密的要求,在本案例中对有关名称、数据等做了必要的掩饰性处理。案例通过以上分析,旨在帮助学生了解传统行业公司在拓展电子商务业务时面临的一些业务转换及决策问题,并引导学生利用电子商务相关理论、方法对电子商务服务商在商业模式选择、公司运营、供应链管理等方面展开分析。

From SFbest to Sfstore:

How Can SF Develop E-commerce Business




Abstract:The case introduces how SF com pany develop from traditional logistics industry to e-comm erce business by presenting its grow th history,business model and model transition trial,as wellas its current situations.The case also analyzes the decision making p roblem s it faces during the process of business model ad justm ent,brand operation and strategy conceiving.So whether stick to the online O2O m ode lor change to the new O2O m ode lwhich m ainly provides offline service.This case aim s to he lp students to know more about the traditional industry enterprises and their difficu lt decision making problem s for the future deve lopment.It a lso leads the students to m ake use of their know ledge studied in e-comm erce to analyze E-commerce service providers'business m odel selection,com pany operation as well as the supp ly chain Managem ent.

Keywords:SFbest;Cold chain logistics;Sfstore;Strategic p lanning;E-commerce model

