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时间:2022-08-27 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:ThreeSquirrels:The King of Nutsin E-commerce本案例由华东师范大学陈彦旭撰写初稿,张翊修改。由于企业保密的要求,在本案例中对有关名称、数据等做了必要的掩饰性处理。案例重点阐述了三只松鼠创业团队的组建、公司定位与营销策略的选择、企业融资以及应对危机等企业成长的过程。这都是三只松鼠即将面临的重要抉择。


The King of Nutsin E-commerce




Abstract:This case reviews foundation and fast grow th of Three Squirrels,as well as the decision making problem s it faces in order to obtain sustainab le deve lopment.It describes the grow ing process of Three Squirrel including the team building,com pany locating,marketing strategy defining,financing and ways to dealw ith crisis,etc.The rapid grow th attracts a large num ber of com petitors to copy the m arketing strategy of Three Squirrel,so it has to face fierce com petition and its leadership could be cracked down.For keeping the leadership and acquiring the sustainable developm ent,how would Three Squirrels deve lop the next step?How to dealw ith the crisis of the deve lopment process?These w ill be im portant choices o f Three squirre l.

Keywords:Three squirre ls;E-commerce;Entrepreneurship;Marketing strategy;Strategic choice

