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时间:2022-08-27 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:Didi Black:Expanding the Commercial Vehicle Market本案例由华东师范大学李彬倩撰写初稿,康华修改。滴滴打车的出现,撬开了人们出行这个巨大的高频市场。2012年上线的滴滴打车,发展至今已经获得过半的市场份额。为了发掘更多的市场潜能,滴滴打车转向商务车市场,并推出了滴滴专车服务。本文介绍了滴滴专车的创建过程,以及在发展过程中遇到的各种挑战。在专车运行资格获得政府支持后,滴滴专车面临着更激烈的竞争压力。

Didi Black:

Expanding the Commercial Vehicle Market




Abstract:The developm ent of the Internet is deep ly changing peop le's life by penetrating all fields like clothing,food,housing and so on.The occurrence of DidiDache opens the gigantic and high frequent online travelmarket.Didi Dache cam e online in 2012,and has been reached more than ha lf of the market share up to now.In order to exp lore m ore m arket potential,Didi Dache turns to the commercial vehicle m arket by launching the Didi Black service.Didi Black's creation process has been introduced in this article,as wellas the cha llenges they met during developing p rocess.After the car running gained government support,Didi Black has been facing more fierce com petition p ressure.It is a long way to go for Didi Black.

Keywords:Didi dache;Didib lack;Private-car service

