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时间:2022-06-02 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:深入阅读材料管理和管理文化的艺术Furusten,S.(1995)The Managerial Discourse:A Study of the Creation and Diffusion of Popular Management Knowledge.Uppsala:Uppsala University.Gagliardi,P.(1990)Art



Furusten,S.(1995)The Managerial Discourse:A Study of the Creation and Diffusion of Popular Management Knowledge.Uppsala:Uppsala University.

Gagliardi,P.(1990)Artifacts as pathways and remains of organizational life.In P.Gagliardi(ed.),Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape:3-38.New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Linstead,S.and Hopfl,H.(eds.)(1999)The Aesthetics of Organization. London:Sage.

Sandelands,L.E.,and Buckner,G.C.(1989)Of art and work: Aesthetic experience and the psychology of work feelings.Research in Organizational Behavior 11:105-31.

Schein,E.H.(1992)Organizational culture and leadership,2nd edn.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.


Czarniawska,B.(1997)Narrating the Organization.Chicago:University of Chicago.

Martin,J.,Feldman,M.,Hatch,M.J.and Sitkin,S.(1983)The uniqueness paradox in organizational stories.Administrative Science Quarterly 28:438-53.

Polkinghorne,D.(1988)Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences.Albany,NY:SUNY.

In addition to readings mentioned above and in the references for Chapter 2,the following films are recommended to aid the development of storytelling skills.They are not simply cinematic stories,which all films are,but they are films that are fundamentally about storytelling and/or storytellers or that show storytellers telling their stories:

The Big Fish—the story of a storyteller told by his son,brings up the issue of truth versus fiction in storytelling in an appreciative way.

The Usual Suspects—depicts the spinning of a tall tale by a crim-inal to his captor,brings up the issue of truth versus fiction in story-telling in a cautionary way.

The Kiss of the Spider Woman—two political prisoners use story-telling to while away their time in captivity.

Smoke-the final scene in this film depicts a story being told(“Auggie’s Story”)and shows both storyteller and listener.Over the final credits of the movie,the story is retold in a cinematic way(through pictures)rather than as face-to-face communication; the contrast makes the differences in form and effect clear.


Burns E.(1972)Theatricality:A Study of Convention in the Theater and in a Social Life.London:Cox & Wyman.

Turner,V.(1982)From Ritual to Theater:The Human Seriousness of Play.New York:Performing Arts Journal Publication.


Eliade,M.(1963)Myth and Reality.New York:Harper and Row.

Eliade,M.(1991)Images and Symbols:Studies in Religious Symbolism.Princeton:Princeton University Press.

Furusten,S.(1992)Management Books- Guardians of the Myth of Leadership.Uppsala:Uppsala University.

Kirby,M.(1995)Happenings.In M.R.Sanford(ed.),Happenings and Other Acts:2-28.London,New York:Routledge.

Lefkowitz,M.(2003)Greek Gods,Human Lives.New Haven:Yale University Press.

Schmidt,J.(1992)Slownik mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej(Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology).Warszawa:Ksiznica.

