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时间:2022-05-26 百科知识 版权反馈

De Libertate Probanda


Rex vic.sal.Monstravit nobis A quod cum ipse liber homo sit et paratus libertatem suam probare, X clamans eum nativum suum vexat eum injuste.Et ideo tibi praecipimus quod si praedictus A fecerit te securum de libertate sua probanda, tunc ponas loquelam illam coram justiciariis nostris ad primam assisam cum in partes illas venerint quia hujusmodi probatio non pertinet ad te capienda.Et interim idem A pacem inde habere facias.Et dic praedicto X quod sit ibi loquelam suam versus praedictum A inde perfecturus si voluerit.Et habeas ibi hoc breve.(1)

The King to the sheriff greeting.A hath showed unto us that whereas he is a free man and ready to prove his liberty, X claiming him to be his nief(2) unjustly vexes him; and therefore we command you, that if the aforesd A shall make you secure touching the proving of his liberty, then put that plea before our justices at the first assizes, when they shall come into those parts, because proof of this kind belongeth(3) not to you to take; and in the mean time cause the sd A to have peace thereupon, and tell the aforesd X that he may be there, if he will, to prosecute his plea thereof against the aforesd A.And have there this writ. 



(1) 菲茨赫伯特,《令状选编》第77页E部分。

(2) Nief即nativus,等于villain。

(3) 即现代英语中的belonged。——译者注

