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就限制性经营行为的问题,国际协议的发展进程是非常缓慢的。除了TRIPS协定之外,没有其他有拘束力的国际协议直接涉及适用于知识产权相关的限制性措施。联合国大会在1980年通过了“Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices”,(62)对反竞争行为做了总体性的规定,但是这一规则不具有约束力,只是向成员推荐使用,旨在促进竞争法的统一。近几年来,有些成员已经参照这一规则制定或者修改了国内法规则。(63)











(4)D.Gervais,The TRIPS Agreement:Drafting History and Analysis,sub.2.48,2.182 et seq.(1998);Pedro Roffe,‘The Unfinished Agenda’,in S.Patel,P.Roffe,and A.Yusuf(eds),International Technology Transfer:The Origins and Aftermath of the United Nations Negotiations on a Draft Code of Conduct(2001),at 381



(7)如果第40条第2款中所使用的用词“一揽子许可(package licensing)”和“不质疑(no challenge)”做稍宽泛的理解的话,也可以包括版权中的类似问题。但是,第40条第1款中明确规定的却是对“技术”的妨碍。

(8)UNCTAD&ICTSD,TRIPS and Development—Resource Book,Part Three: Intellectual Property Rights and Competition(2003),http://www.iprsonline.org/unctadictsd/ResourceBookIndex.htm.例如,第8条中所使用的是技术被“影响(affect)”,第40条第1款中所用的是技术被“阻碍(impede)”。把两条统一起来理解,则只要技术被“影响”,成员国就可以采取控制措施,而无需达到被“阻碍”的程度。

(9)UNCTAD&ICTSD,TRIPS and Development—Resource Book,Part Three: Intellectual Property Rights and Competition(2003),http://www.iprsonline.org/unctadictsd/ResourceBookIndex.htm



(12)国际贸易组织《哈瓦那宪章》,贸易和雇佣问题的联合国大会,1947年11月21日至1948年3月24日在哈瓦那举行,Chapter V,Restrictive Business Practices,Article 46.另可参见Frederick M.Abbott,Public Policy and Global Technological Integration:An Introduction,in Public Policy and Global Technological Integration 3(F.M.Abbott and D.Gerber eds.1997)(Kluwer).



(15)Cottier,The prospects for intellectual property in GATT,28 CML Rev.383,409 et seq.(1991)

(16)Communication from India of 10 July 1989 MTN.GNG./NG11/W/37 sub.2 and VI.

(17)Communication from Brazil of 11 December 1989 MTN.GNG./NG11/W/57 sub. No.29;Communication from Argentina,Brazil,Chile China,Colombia,Cuba,Egypt,India,Nigeria,Peru,Tanzania and Uruguay,of 14 May 1990,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/71,Article 15.

(18)Chairman's report to the Group of Negotiation on Goods,document MTN.GNG/ NG11/W/76,of 23 July 1990.

(19)1.UNCTAD&ICTSD,TRIPS and Development—Resource Book,Part Three: Intellectual Property Rights and Competition(2003).[2007-02-03].http://www.iprsonline.org/unctadictsd/ResourceBookIndex.htm.


(21)Draft Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations,Revision,Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,Including Trade in Counterfeit Goods,MTN.TNC/W/35/Rev.1,3 Dec.1990.

(22)Reinbothe,Howard,The State of Play in the Negotiations on TRIPS(GATT/ Uruguay Round),(1991)Eur.Int.Prop.Rev.157,160;Cottier,The prospects for intellectual property in GATT,28 CML Rev.383,409 et seq.(1991)

(23)Fox,Trade,Competition and Intellectual Property-TRIPS and its Antitrust Counterparts,29 Vanderbilt J.Transnat'l.L 481,484,491,494(1996)


(25)Fox,Trade,Competition and Intellectual Property-TRIPS and its Antitrust Counterparts,29 Vanderbilt J.Transnat'l.L 485(1996)

(26)L.Sullivan and W.Grimes,The Law of Antitrust—An Integrated Handbook(2000)882 et seq.See also H.HovenKamp,M.D.Janis,and M.A. Lemley,IP and Antitrust(2002)ch 3.

(27)Fox,Trade,Competition and Intellectual Property-TRIPS and its Antitrust Counterparts,29 Vanderbilt J.Transnat'l.L 481,482(1996)。滥用不一定是由市场控制力造成,即使没有市场控制力,也可以构成滥用行为。

(28)Article 4 of Commission Regulation(EC)No.772/2004 of 27 April 2004 on the application of Article 81(3)of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements,Official Journal of the European Union(OJEU)2004 L 123/11; Court of Justice of the European Communities(CJEC)of April 19,1988,case 27/87,Erauw-Jacquery/La Hesbignonne,Rep.1988,1919.




(32)Ullrich,Intellectual Property,Access to Information,and Antitrust:Harmony,Disharmony,and International Harmonization[hereinafter Ullrich,Intellectual Property,Access to Information,and Antitrust],in Dreyfuss et al.(ed.),Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property,Oxford 2001,365,385 et seq.Competition,Intellectual Property Rights,and Transfer of Technology,in Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,at 363,375 et seq.

(33)Heinemann,Antitrust Law of Intellectual Property in the TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization,in Beier,Schricker(ed.),From GATT to TRIPS,Weinheim 1996,239,242 et seq.

(34)UNCTAD,The TRIPS Agreement and Developing Countries,Geneva 1996,3 et seq;Fox,Trade,Competition and Intellectual Property-TRIPS and its Antitrust Counterparts,29 Vanderbilt J.Transnat'l.L 481,484,491,494(1996)

(35)Anderson,The Interface between Competition Policy and Intellectual Property in the Context of the International Trading System,J.Int'l Ec.L.1998,655,662 et seq.;Marschall,Patents,Antitrust,and the WTO/GATT:Using TRIPS as a Vehicle for Antitrust Harmonization,28 L.Pol'y Int'l.Bus.1165,1170 et seq.(1997)

(36)Antitrust Guidelines for Licensing of Intellectual Property,Washington D.C.,April 6,1995(reprinted in 4 Trade Reg.Rep.(CCH)§13.132=49 BNAPTCJ 714/1995),sub.2.0,2.1.


(38)D.Gervais,The Trips Agreement Drafting History and Analysis,London:Sweet&Marwell,1998,para.2.49.







(45)Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,International Technology Transfer-The Origins and Aftermath of the United Nations Negotiations on a Draft Code of Conduct,The Hague 2001,3 et seq.,259 et seq.

(46)Ullrich,Technology Protection According to TRIPS:Principles and Problems,in Beier,Schricker,at 357,361 et seq.,372 et seq.

(47)D.Gervais,The Trips Agreement Drafting History and Analysis,London:Sweet&Marwell,1998(para.2.185),强调指出和之前谈判中提交的草稿所不同的是,正式文本中要求既有不利影响,又是滥用行为,即两个标准应该同时满足。这也再次应证了第40条第1款所要求的对许可行为采取竞争法的态度。

(48)相关案例可以参见Studiengesellschaft Kohle m.b.H.v Shell Oil Co,112 F.3d 1561(Fed.Cir.1997);Lear v Adkins,395 US 653(1969)(该案基于公共政策考虑认为不质疑条款无效);相关论文可以参见R.Dreyfuss,‘Dethroning Lear:Licensee Estoppel and the Incentive to Innovate’,27 Va.L. Rev.(1986)677;欧盟相关规则可见Commission Regulation 240/96 on the Application of Art.85(3)(now 81(3))of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements,art.4(2)(b),1996 O.J.(L 31)2;以及Art.5(1)(b)Commission Reg.2659/2000 on the application of Art.81(3)of the Treaty to Categories of Research and Development Agreements,2000 O.J.(L 304)7.

(49)Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Community Patent,art.21(2),2000 O.J.(C 337)278;French Code de la propriété intellectuelle,Art.L 613-15; U.K.Patents Act,1977§48(3)(d)(ii);Art.2(4),6 Comm.Reg. 240 1996 O.J.(L 31)2;也可参见1995年指南。

(50)Case 19/84,Pharmon v Hoechst AG,1985 E.C.R.2281[1985],3 C.M.L.R. 775 1985,2281(1985).A.S.Gutterman,Innovation and Competition Policy(1997)305 et seq.


(52)Heinemann,Antitrust Law of Intellectual Property in the TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization,in Beier,Schricker(ed.),From GATT to TRIPS,Weinheim 1996,239,242 et seq;implicitly Fox,at 492 et seq.;Anderson,Feuer,Rivard,Ronayne,Intellectual Property Rights and International Market Segmentation in the North American Free Trade Area,inAnderson,Gallini,at 397 et seq.

(53)UNCTAD Secretariat,Competition Policy and the Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights,TD/B/COM.2 CLP/22 of 8 May 2001.

(54)UNCTAD Secretariat,Experiences Gained so far on International Cooperation on Competition Policy Issues and the Mechanisms Used,TD/B/COM.2/CLP/21 of 8 May 2001,annex 1;Fullerton,Mazard,International Antitrust Cooperation Agreements,24(3)World Competition 405,412 et seq.(2001)[hereinafter Fullerton,Mazard].


(56)Positive comity agreements would oblige Members to intervene against anticompetitive practices over which they have jurisdiction,if such practices substantially affect competition on the markets of another Member.This has to be distinguished from general international(negative)comity which conversely requires States to take account of the negative impact which measures they take against anti-competitive practices occurring on their domestic markets might produce as regards the other Members'national interests and policies,see Article V(positive comity)and Article VI(negative comity)of the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission of the European Communities regarding the application of their competition laws of September 23,1991 as authorized by the Council of the EU on April 10,1995,OJEC 1995 L 95,45;Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States on the application of positive comity principles in the enforcement of their competition laws of June 4,1998,OJEC 1998 L 173,28;Lampert,International Cooperation Among Competition Authorities,Eur. Comp.L.Rev.1999,214,216 et seq.

(57)UNCTAD Secretariat,Experiences Gained so far on International Cooperation on Competition Policy Issues and the Mechanisms Used,TD/B/COM.2/CLP/21 of 8 May 2001,annex 1;Fullerton,Mazard,International Antitrust Cooperation Agreements,24(3)World Competition 405,412 et seq.(2001)

(58)Fullerton,Mazard,International Antitrust Cooperation Agreements,24(3) World Competition 405,412 et seq.(2001.;for the EU:Ritter,Braun,Rawlinson,European Competition Law,2nd ed.The Hague 2000,61 et seq.[hereinafter Ritter,Braun,Rawlinson];for the USA(and the EU compared): Sullivan,Grimes,The Law of Antitrust:An Integrated Handbook,St.Paul 2000,968 et seq.




(62)19 Int'l Leg.Mat.813(1980).

(63)Dhanjee,The Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices-an Instrument of International Law?28(1)Leg.Iss.Int'l.Integr.71(2001);UNCTAD,World Investment Report 1997,Geneva 1998,189 et seq.and annex A 22

(64)Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,International Technology Transfer-The Origins and Aftermath of the United Nations Negotiations on a Draft Code of Conduct,The Hague 2001,3 et seq.,259 et seq.,at p.XXVII,and Sell,Negotiations on an International Code of Conduct for the Transfer of Technology,ibid.at 151 et seq.; Fikentscher,et al.,The Draft International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology,Weinheim 1980,5 et seq.

(65)See referencesinthelastfootnote,andUNCTAD,Secretary-General,Negotiations on an International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology,Doc.TD/Code TOT/60 of September 6,1995.

(66)For the text of the Draft Code and commentaries relating to Chapter 4 see Fikentscher,at 39 et seq.,64 et seq.,151 et seq.;Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,Annex II(p.417 et seq.);Thompson,Overview of the Draft Code,in Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,at 51,62 et seq.

(67)See UNCTAD Secretariat,The Status of Negotiations:A 1990 Evaluation,in Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,at 139,146 et seq.;Roffe,Tesfachew,The Unfinished Agenda,in Patel,Roffe,Yusuf,at 381 et seq.;Fikentscher,at 22 et seq.


