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时间:2022-04-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:二、交替传译技能课内练习:译前准备训练1.传译以下短文。听录音,在停顿处开始传译。请根据译前准备的材料准确传译其中的专有名词。VocabularyMajesty 陛下Excellency 阁下escalate 逐渐扩大(上升)peninsula 半岛proliferation




G8 Group of Eight,这里指G8 Summit,八国集团首脑峰会

Prime Minister Tony Blair's Statement on London's Terrorist Attack

I am just going to make a short statement to you on the terrible events that have happened in London earlier today,and I hope you understand that at the present time we are still trying to establish exactly what has happened,and there is a limit to what information I can give you,and I will simply try and tell you the information as best I can at the moment.//

It is reasonably clear that there have been a series of terrorist attacks in London.There are obviously casualties,both people that have died and people seriously injured,and our thoughts and prayers of course are with the victims and their families.//

It is my intention to leave the G8 within the next couple of hours and go down to London and get a report,face-to-face,with the police,and the emergency services and the ministers that have been dealing with this,and then to return later this evening.//

It is the will of all the leaders at the G8 however that the meeting should continue in my absence,that we should continue to discuss the issues that we were going to discuss,and reach the conclusions which we were going to reach.Each of the countries round that table have some experience of the effects of terrorism and all the leaders,as they will indicate a little bit later,share our complete resolution to defeat this terrorism.//

It is particularly barbaric that this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa,and the long-term problems of climate change and the environment.Just as it is reasonably clear that this is a terrorist attack,or a series of terrorist attacks,it is also reasonably clear that it is designed and aimed to coincide with the opening of the G8.There will be time to talk later about this.//

It is important however that those engaged in terrorism realize that our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in a desire to impose extremism on the world.Whatever they do,it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilized nations throughout the world.Thank you!//



Majesty 陛下

Excellency 阁下

escalate (军事行动等)逐渐扩大(上升)

peninsula 半岛

proliferation 激增,扩散

summit 高峰会议,首脑会议

Millennium Declaration 《千年宣言

consensus 一致意见

menace 威胁,胁迫

degradation 退化,堕落

Millennium Development Goals 《联合国千年发展目标》

governance 统治,支配,管理,统辖

High-Level Panel 高级别小组

eminent 地位(身份)高的,著名的,优秀的,出众的

General Assembly 联合国大会

The Secretary-General Address to the General Assembly(excerpts)

Mr.President,Your Majesty,Distinguished Heads of State and Government,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,

The last twelve months have been very painful for those of us who believe in collective answers to our common problems and challenges.In many countries,terrorism has once again brought death and suffering to innocent people.//

In the Middle East and in certain parts of Africa,violence has continued to escalate.In the Korean peninsula,and elsewhere,the threat of nuclear proliferation casts an ominous shadow across the landscape.//

Excellencies,three years ago,when you came here for the Millennium Summit,we shared a vision,a vision of global solidarity and collective security,expressed in the Millennium Declaration.But recent events have called that consensus in question.//

All of us know there are new threats that must be faced—or,perhaps,old threats in new and dangerous combinations:new forms of terrorism,and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.//

But,while some consider these threats as self-evidently the main challenge to world peace and security,others feel more immediately menaced by small arms employed in civil conflict,or by so-called“soft threats”such as the persistence of extreme poverty,the disparity of income within societies,and the spread of infectious diseases,or climate change and environmental degradation.//

In truth,we do not have to choose.The United Nations must confront all these threats and challenges—new and old,“hard”and“soft”.It must be fully engaged in the struggle for development and poverty eradication,starting with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;in the common struggle to protect our common environment;and in the struggle for human rights,democracy and good governance.//

For my part,I intend to establish a High-Level Panel of eminent personalities,to which I will assign four tasks:first,to examine the current challenges to peace and security;second,to consider the contribution which collective action can make in addressing these challenges;third,to review the functioning of the major organs of the United Nations and the relationship between them;and fourth,to recommend ways of strengthening the United Nations,through reform of its institutions and processes.//

The Panel will focus primarily on threats to peace and security.But it will also need to examine other global challenges,in so far as these may influence or connect with those threats.I will ask the Panel to report back to me before the beginning of the next session of this General Assembly,so that I can make recommendations to you at that session.But only you can take the firm and clear decisions that will be needed.//

Those decisions might include far-reaching institutional reforms.Indeed,I hope they will.But institutional reforms alone will not suffice.Even the most perfect instrument will fail,unless people put it to good use.//

The United Nations is by no means a perfect instrument,but it is a precious one.I urge you to seek agreement on ways of improving it,but above all of using it as its founders intended.

Thank you very much.//


1)“While some consider these threats as self-evidently the main challenge to world peace and security,others feel more immediately menaced by small arms employed in civil conflict,or by so-called“soft threats”such as the persistence of extreme poverty,the disparity of income within societies,and the spread of infectious diseases,or climate change and environmental degradation.”

翻译这个长句时首先还是将它拆分成几部分,第一部分在“others”前,第二部分在“such as”前,剩下的为第三部分。翻译时可以按照原句顺序进行,但是有些地方需要做一些增补。例如第二和第三部分可以译为“其他人却觉得国内冲突中使用的小型武器的威胁更直接,或者说持续赤贫、社会中或社会间收入悬殊、传染病蔓延或气候变化和环境退化等所谓‘软威胁’更为直接”,后面一个“更直接”就是根据需要做了必要的增补。

2)“It must be fully engaged in the struggle for development and poverty eradication,starting with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals; in the common struggle to protect our common environment;and in the struggle for human rights,democracy and good governance.”


