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时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第二节 假定及其英汉互译一、假定的定义及其分类假定指适用规范的必要条件,也称为前提条件,其作用在于限定行为模式的适用范围,也就是当事人行使权利或者履行义务必须满足的事实状态,[7]常用条件句表示。停止条件指因其成就而使法律行为发生效力的条件,而解除条件指因其成就而使法律行为效力消灭的条件。

第二节 假定及其英汉互译



在传统民法中,法律行为所附的条件是“当事人以将来不确定的事实作为决定法律行为效力的附款”。所谓“决定法律行为效力”,指决定法律行为的效力发生或消灭。相应地,传统民法中的条件就分为停止条件和解除条件。停止条件指因其成就而使法律行为发生效力的条件,而解除条件指因其成就而使法律行为效力消灭的条件。[8]西方学者也根据前提条件和行为模式正当性发生与否的关系,将假定分为停止条件(condition precedent,也称为先决条件)和解除条件(condition subsequent),前者指决定行为模式正当性发生法律效力之条件,后者则指决定行为模式的正当性丧失法律效力的条件。[9]此外,还可根据条件的成就与否事关当事人的行为的正当性与否的关系而将条件分为积极条件和消极条件。[10]本书将重点探讨停止条件和解除条件的表现形式及其英汉转换。


Coode认为可将法律英语的条件句要素分为case(情况)、condition(条件)、legal subject(法律主体)和legal action(法律行为),并提出一个典型的模式:

Case:      Where any Quaker refuses to pay any church rates

Condition:    if any churchwarden complains thereof

Legal Subject:  one of the next Justice of the peace

Legal Action:  may summon such Quaker

在该模式中,where和if引导的两个分句表示后面法律主体行使法律行为的事实情景(fact situation),即采用“If P1+P2,then Q”的模式。为了与代表性的“If P,then Q”法律规范的逻辑结构相吻合,可将上述模式修改如下:

Where a churchwarden files a complaint against a Quaker for refusing to pay any church rates,one of the next Justices of the peace may summon such Quaker.

该表述模式反映出Halliday所述的语言三大功能之一的逻辑和经验功能。[11]逻辑功能的主要特征就是“递归性”,即事物内部的抽象关系表现为或是并列关系,或是从属关系,两者都是可递归的。[12]法律英语语篇逻辑性极强,具有鲜明的递归性,其中的一个表现形式是David Crystal归纳出来的基本句式:“If X,Y should be(or do)Z”这样的条件从句[13]Bhatia在论及法律条款的句法特征时也曾指出,“情形(case)常由where,if或when等状语从句引导且非常冗长,并导致法律主体(legal subject)延后。”[14]上述结论都会说明状语从句乃是法律文体的重要特征。例如,If X,Y should be(or do)Z句式包括事实情境和法律陈述两个部分,前者由条件从句表示,后者为主句,两者共同构成一个完整语句,并体现出严密的法律逻辑。[15]


表8-1 英文文本中停止条件句引导词的使用情况概况


笔者发现,除了If X,Y should be(or do)Z这种基本句式外,还常用whenever;at any time when;where;provided that;in case of;in the event of;As used/when used(in this section);for the purpose of(this Ordinance)等介词短语结构或关系副词引导假定结构。具体而言:



If the Commission finds,after notice and opportunity for hearing,that any person is violating,has violated,or is about to violate any provision of this title,or anyrule or regulation thereunder,the Commission may publish its findings and enter an order requiring such person,and any other person that is,was,or would be a cause of the violation,due to an act or omission the person knew or should have known would contribute to such violation,to cease and desist from committing or causing such violation and any future violation of the same provision,rule,or regulation.



Where a judgment has been obtained in the Supreme Court against any person,the Supreme Court shall,on an application made by the judgment creditor and on proof that the judgment debtor is resident in the United Kingdom,issue to the judgment creditor a certified copy of the judgment.

(三)使用in(the)case of引导


In the case of a product which is a veterinary biological product,the term means the period described in subparagraph(B)to which the limitation described in paragraph(6)applies.



Whenever a mistake has been made in a registration and a showing has been made that such mistake occurred in good faith through the fault of the applicant,the Director is authorized to issue a certificate of correction;

(五)使用in the event of引导


The Secretary of Commerce,upon nomination by the Director,shall appoint a Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office who shall be vested with the authority to act in the capacity of the Director in the event of the absence or incapacity of the Director.



As used in this section,the term“NAFTA country”has the meaning given that term in section 2(4)of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act;

As used in this subsection,the term“product”includes an approved product.

(七)使用without prejudice to引导[19]

该结构后常接指代某项法律条款的名词,与subject to..的句法结构相同,表示对有关事项或者条款的规限程度,只是前者表示不得影响或损害其规限的事物,而后者表示必须“符合”或“依照”有关条款或规定。例如:

Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by the preceding Article and the other powers conferred by these Articles,it is hereby expressly declared that the Directors shall have the following powers..


在法律英语中,notwithstanding的意思是although,though和even if,常译为“尽管;即使”,表示让步。尽管该词可引导状语从句,但其与in spite of一样,常接名词性短语,表示“本规定应优先适用”。Notwithstanding anything in this Act这个句式或其他类似结构在新西兰立法中颇为常见。例如:

Version 6.0August 200931

Chapter 3—Principles of clear drafting

□Notwithstanding anything in any other enactment..

□Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections(1)and(2)or section 60(2),but subject to subsection(2A)and section 60(3)..

This Part of the Act shall apply notwithstanding anything in any other Part of this Act..

(九)使用subject to引导

subject to在法律英语中常表示“在不违反(本法)的规定的情况下”,可用于句首,也可用于句尾。例如:

The Office may establish regulations,not inconsistent with law,which shall facilitate and expedite the processing of patent applications,particularly those which can be filed,stored,processed,searched,and retrieved electronically,subject to the provisions of section 122relating to the confidential status of applications;

Subject to the limitations set forth in this Act,any person who uses a mark may file in the office of the Secretary,in a manner complying with the requirements of the Secretary,an application for registration of that mark setting forth,but not limited to,the following information:..

Subject to与notwithstanding一样,常用于表示某部立法或不同立法中的规定不一致时,应优先适用哪项规定。根据现在的立法理念,这两个结构都应予以避免,而应采用“某个规定优于或应让位于另一项规定”之类的直接性表述。例如:“This section applies despite anything in section 100”或“This section prevails over section 100”.(即本条优于第100条);反之可表述为“Section 100overrides this section”(即第100条优于本条)。在英美法系的立法中,当意图表达“根据、按照”(in accordance with)之意时,应避免使用subject to,因in accordance with与subject to的意思并不一样:前者的意思是“符合、遵守、与……一致”,但后者表达的是一个条件关系。有学者就建议立法中的句子不要以Subject to或Except as provided这类结构开头,相反,应在另外一个条款中列明将限定语。例如:

□Subsection(1)is subject to subsection(3).Or,

□Subsection(1)is subject to section 14of the Supreme Court Act 2003(which provides that..


(十)用for the purpose(s)of引导

for the purpose of在基础英语和法律语境下都可表示“为了……目的”。除此之外,在立法文件中大量使用该表述结构,表示“为了实现立法宗旨而做出……规定”。例如:

For the purposes of paragraph(2)(B),the term“due diligence”means that degree of attention,continuous directed effort,and timeliness as may reasonably be expected from,and are ordinarily exercised by,aperson during a regulatory review period.




表8-2 停止条件句的类型






第十条 凡在中华人民共和国领域外犯罪,依照本法应当负刑事责任的,虽然经过外国审判,仍然可以依照本法追究,但是在外国已经受过刑罚处罚的,可以免除或者减轻处罚。(《刑法》)

第二十三条 公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡


第三百零八条 对证人进行打击报复的,处3年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。(《刑法》)除了动宾结构外,主谓结构的“的”字句在法律汉语中也不乏少数。例如:

第十条 当事人订立合同,有书面形式、口头形式和其他形式。法律、行政法规规定采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。当事人约定采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。(《合同法》)

第三十八条 国家根据需要下达指令性任务或者国家订货任务的,有关法人、其他组织之间应当依照有关法律、行政法规规定的权利和义务订立合同。(《合同法》)此外,“的”字结构在刑法中常为一种定义的模式,与“是”字句常联合使用,以对概念进行界定。例如:“为了犯罪,准备工具、制造条件的,是犯罪预备”(《刑法》第22条)。对此,参见后面的内容。




第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市制定严于强制性国家标准、行业标准的地方节能标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府报经国务院批准;本法另有规定的除外。(《能源法》)

第四十六条 企业法人终止,应当向登记机关办理注销登记并公告;(《民法通则》条)


第七条 当事人订立、履行合同,应当遵守法律、行政法规,尊重社会公德,不得




第四十五条 中华人民共和国公民在年老、疾病或者丧失劳动能力的情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利。国家发展为公民享受这些权利所需要的社会保险、社会救济和医疗卫生事业。(《宪法》)

第一百条 依法受过刑事处罚的人,在入伍、就业的时候,应当如实向有关单位报告自己曾受过刑事处罚,不得隐瞒。(《刑法》)

第三十一条 县级以上质量监督、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门应当依照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定,审核申请人提交的本法第二十七条第一项至第四项规定要求的相关资料,必要时对申请人的生产经营场所进行现场核查。(《食品安全法》)

第一百二十九条 如果危险是由自然原因引起的,紧急避险人不承担民事责任或者承担适当的民事责任。(《民法通则》)




第二十八条 对于被胁迫参加犯罪的,应当按照他的犯罪情节减轻处罚或免除处罚。(《刑法》)

第一百三十八条 人民检察院对于公安机关移送起诉的案件,应当在一个月以内做出决定,重大、复杂的案件可以延长半个月。(《刑事诉讼法》)


表8-3 “对”字句的使用比率[28]






第八十九条 公安机关办理治安案件,对与案件有关的需要作为证据的物品,可以扣押;对被侵害人或者善意第三人合法占有的财产,不得扣押,应当予以登记。对与案件无关的物品,不得扣押。(《治安管理处罚法》)

















对于停止条件句的翻译,我国学者李克兴作了比较详细地分析。[35]还有学者对以我国香港特区双语法例第32章《公司法》为语料,从描写研究法和翻译类型学的理论视角,对我国香港特区法例中引导条件状语的if,where,in(the)case of,in the event of以及when等引导词的译法进行探讨,并试图提出法律文本中不同条件句引导词的不同译法及其翻译模式。[36]目前还有不少文章、法律翻译类专著或手册对法律犯规的翻译进行探讨,但切实按照目的语的表达习惯进行翻译者却并不多见。由于英汉法律语言受各自文化的影响而有其各自的表达习惯,在翻译时须考虑这一点。下面将对各引导结构的译法进行评析并简要进行归纳总结。





即采取法律条件句的代表性表达模式,将“if”译为“如”。就主句与从句的位置而言,该模式因符合汉语条件句中“条件句在前,主句在后”的表述特点而具有一定的合理性。但如前所说,即便英语中最常见的模式是“IF X,Y will do Z”,汉语中并非以“如果P,则Q”这一代表性句式来表示假定;相反,从使用的频率而言,倒是“的”字句及其他结构更为常见。总之,在翻译时须体现出假定结构的普适性,即将假设尽量译为条件句。例如:

A company whose objects require comprise the transaction of business outside Hong Kong,may,if authorized byits articles,have for use in any territory,district,or place not situated in Hong Kong,an official seal,which shall be a facsimile of the common seal of the company,with the addition on its face of the name of every territory,district,or place where it is to be used.



If an invention was made by aperson,civil or military-

(A)while domiciled in the United States,and serving in any other country in connection with operations by or on behalf of the United States,

(B)while domiciled in a NAFTA country and serving in another country in connection with operations by or on behalf of that NAFTA country,or(C)..,

that person shall be entitled to the same rights of priority in the United States with respect to such invention as if such invention had been made in the United States,that NAFTA country,or that WTO member country,as the case may be.












例1 Retirement From Partnership At Will[39]

Where no fixed term has been agreed upon for the duration of the partnership,any partner may determine the partnership at any time on giving notice of his intention to do so to all the other partners.



例2 The applicant shall furnish a drawing where necessary for the understanding of the subject matter sought to be patented.


例2中的where位于主句之后,可将where necessary译为“在……时”。

例3 Where the order is made on a summons the order shall be served on the judgment debtor,but where the order is made on an ex parte application no service of the order on the judgment debtor shall be required.





Whenused in this title unless the context otherwise indicates,the term“invention”means invention or discovery.除文意另有所指外,本卷所述的“发明”包括“发明”和“发现”。(即where可不译,其表示条件的意思可从句子中推断出来)

Whenever such written declaration is used,the document must warn the declarant that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment,or both.(18USC 1001)


When the nature of such subject matter admits of illustration by a drawing and the applicant has not furnished such a drawing,the Director may require its submission within a time period of not less than two months from the sending of a notice thereof.


(四)in the event of的译法


The Secretary of Commerce,upon nomination by the Director,shall appoint a Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office who shall be vested with the authority to act in the capacityof the Director in the event of the absence or incapacity of the Director.(商务部长可根据局长的提名任命一知识产权贸易副次长和美国专利商标局副局长,在局长缺席或不能履行职责时暂代局长之职。)

In the event of the winding up of a company re-registered in purs ance of this section,the following provisions shall have effect-(a)..;(b)..;(c)..(依据本条重新注册的公司在清算时,适用下列规定:(1)……(2)……(3)……



例1 Notwithstanding Section 26of the Magistrates Ordinance,a complaint may be made or an information laid in respect of an offence under section 3within two years from the time when the matter of such complaint or information respectively arose.对于第3条所订罪行,可在事后两年内申诉或告发,不受《裁判官条例》第26条的限制。

例2 Notwithstanding any other provision of law,a determination by the Director to release or not to release information concerning apublished patent application shall be final and nonreviewable.尽管法律有其他规定,局长对是否披露与已公布专利申请相关的信息所作的决定是终局的,不得要求复议。

(六)Without prejudice to的译法


例1 Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by the preceding Article and the other powers conferred by these Articles,it is hereby expressly declared that the Directors shall have the following powers..(在不影响上一条赋予董事的一般权利及本章程细则赋予董事其他权利的情况下,现明确声明董事享有下列权利…)

例2 In such suits the record in the Patent and Trademark Office shall be admitted on motion of either party upon the terms and conditions as to costs,expenses,and the further cross-examination of the witnesses as the court imposes,without prejudice to the right of the parties to take further testimony.The testimony and exhibits of the record in the Patent and Trademark Office when admitted shall have the same effect as if originally taken and produced in the suit.(在该类诉讼中,可依据当事人的请求以及法院关于诉讼费、开支、对证人的进一步盘问的相关规定,允许使用专利商标局所作的记录,此举并不影响当事人进一步收搜证据的权利。经允用的该局所存的证词和记录,其效力与诉讼中所出示和收集的原始证据无异。)

(七)Subject to的译法


例1 The United States Patent and Trademark Office,subject to the policy direction of the Secretary of Commerce,shall be responsible for the granting and issuing of patents and the registration of trademarks.美国专利商标局依据商务部长的政策指示,负责专利发布与商标注册事宜。

例2 The Office shall facilitate and expedite the processing of patent applications,particularly those which can be filed,stored,processed,searched,and retrieved electronically,subject to the provisions of section 122relating to the confidential status of applications.专利商标局应根据第122条关于专利申请的保密规定,帮助和加速专利申请的处理,尤其是对那些能存档、储存、处理、检索以及通过能用电子技术恢复的专利申请进行处理。

(八)for the purpose of的译法


例1 Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are,for the purpose of this Ordinance,called collectively a firm,and the name under which their business is carried on is called the firm-name.在本条例中,订立合伙协议的所有人总称为合伙企业,而据以开展其义务的名称称为合伙企业名称。

例2 For the purpose of this clause“holding company”and“subsidiary undertaking”shall have the same meaning as in the Companies Act 1985as amended by the Companies Act 1989.本条所述的“控股公司”和“附属企业”,其含义与1985年颁布、并于1989年修订的《公司法》中的规定相同。

例3 For the purposes of paragraph(2)(B),the term“due diligence”means that degree of attention,continuous directed effort,and timeliness as may reasonably be expected from,and are ordinarily exercised by,aperson during a regulatory review period.根据第(2)(B)项的规定,“合理注意”指行为人在法定复审期间给予了足够、及时、持续的关注和努力。



例1 At any time after the respondent has been served with a temporarycease-and-desist order pursuant to subsection(c),the respondent may apply to the Commission to have the order set aside,limited or suspended.被告于收到临时禁止令后,可随时请求委员会撤销(限制或暂停执行)该临时令。

例2 In considering under this section whether a penalty is in public interest,the Commission or appropriate regulatory agency may consider the following..



例3 Within 60days of the submittal of an application for extension of the term of a patent under paragraph(1),the Director shall notify the Secretary of Agriculture if the patent claims a drug product.依据第(1)项的规定对药物制品专利申请续展的,局长应于申请之日起60天内将续展申请通知农业部长。

例4 On or after the effective date of the Patent and Trademark Office Efficiency Act,the President shall appoint an individual to serve as the Director until the date on which a Director qualifies under subsection(a).自《专利商标局效率法》生效之日起,总统可任命一名临时局长,直至符合(a)款资质的局长产生之日。






若表示肯定形式,可用主动句式,即用whoever/anyone who/anyone+分词/介词短语,或者使用“aperson who..+V.”句型;若为否定形式时,可变通为为“No one who..”、“whoever..shall not”等句型;[42]或者采用英语中的“条件句+主句”的结构。

例1 侵害公民身体造成伤害的,应当赔偿医疗费、因误工减少的收入、残疾人生活补助费等费用;造成死亡的,应当支付丧葬费、死者生前抚养的人必要的生活费等费用。

译1:Anyone who infringes upon a citizen’s person and causes him physical injury shall pay his medical expenses and his loss in income due to missed working time and shall pay him living subsidies if he is disabled;if the victim dies,the infringer shall pay the funeral expenses,the necessary living expenses of the deceased’s dependents and other such expenses.(LAB)

译2:In the case of violation of a citizen’s person causing bodily injury,compensation shall be paid for medical costs,reduced income due to time off work and the living allowance of a disabled person,etc.If death is caused,costs such as the funeral expenses of the deceased and the necessary living costs of those who were dependants of the deceased prior to his death shall be paid.(CCH)

译3:One who harms the person of a citizen causing injuryshould compensate him for medical expenses,reduced income due to missed work,living expenses,disability allowance,and such expenses;where death has been caused,he should also pay funeral expenses and the necessary living expenses for the deceased’s dependents.(CLR)

陈忠诚:A violator of a citizen’s person causing physical injury shall pay for the medical expenses,the income lost owing to missed work,and the disability allowance for daily life;the violator shall,where death is caused,also pay for the funeral service and the living expenses of the surviving dependent(s)of the deceased.

由于该例中的“的”字句担任句子的行为主体,是比较标准的汉语中“主谓宾”表述结构。除译2有违主位-述位推进模式外,译1、译3与陈忠诚的译文都可以接受,只是译3的“one who”结构在英美法系表述中较为少见,不值得提倡。笔者认为尚可采用“从句+主句”结构,通过代词来实现语篇的衔接和推进。试译:

If a person causes bodily injury to a citizen,he shall pay the infringed party for the medical expenses,the income lost owing to missed work,and the disability allowance for daily life;in the event of death as a result of the injury,funeral expenses and the cost of living supplements for the dependent(s)of the deceased shall be payable.

例2 合伙人未经其他合伙人同意而从事与企业相同性质的业务并对合伙企业构成竞争的,须陈述营业所得并移交给合伙企业。

上例中画线部分的“的”字句可视为句子行为(陈述、移交)的施事,也是一个比较典型的SVO结构,故可译为英语SVO结构(“one who+v”句型);也可由if引导。试译:

译1:Any partner who,without the consent of other partners,is engaged in a business of the same nature as and which is significantly competitive to that of the Company,shall account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business.

译2:If a partner,without the consent of the other partners,carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm,he must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business.[43]



例1 以非法占有为目的,使用诈骗方法非法集资,数额较大的,处5年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处二万元以上二十万元以下罚金……

译1:Whoever,for the purpose of unlawful possession,unlawfully raises fund by means of fraud,shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than twenty thousand(20,000)yuan nor more than two hundred thousand(200,000)yuan,in addition to a sentence of imprisonment for a term not more than five years or criminal detention,if the amount involved is relatively large;..[44]


译2:“A person who/Anyone who,by fraud,raises a substantial amount of funds with intent illegally to appropriate it for himself,shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or detention,and in addition thereto,a fine of not less than 20,000Yuan(¥20,000)nor/and not more than 200,000Yuan(¥200,000).”[46]

例2 凡在中华人民共和国领域内犯罪的,除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用本法。

译1:This law shall be applicable to anyone who commits a crime within the territory and territorial waters and space of the People’s Republic of China,except as otherwise specifically provided by law.

译2:Except as otherwise specifically provided by law/Unless otherwise specifically provided by law,this Act shall be applicable to anyone who commits a crime within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.


译3:This law shall be applicable to anyoffense committed within the territory of the People’s Republic of China,except as otherwise specifically provided by law.

例3 第十五条 有下列情形之一的,不予注册:





译1:Under any of the following circumstances,registration shall not be granted:

(1)where a person has not full capacity for civil conduct;

(2)where,for a person having been sentenced to criminal punishment,it is not more than two years from the date of the end of the punishment to the date of applying for registration;

(3)where,for a person having been imposed administrative punishment by which his practicing certificate of doctors was revoked,it is not more than two years from the date of the decision on the punishment to the date of applying for registration;or

(4)where other circumstances unsuitable for serves of medical treatment,prevention or health care exist as prescribed by the administrative department of health under the state Council.

该例中的“的”字句乃是行为的受事,故可译为被动句。原句采用否定动词的形式(即“不予注册”),对此,法律英语中可使用主语的否定式(“no one..”),也可使用否定动词的结构(“..shall not”)句型。译1的几个并列小项在翻译时并未遵从一致性原则,即几个where引导的从句中,有的是以person做主语,有的又是以other circumstances做主语。试看一下英国《合伙条例》的第13条的规定:

In the following cases,namely,

(a)where one partner,acting within the scope of his apparent authority,receives the money or property of a third person and misapplies it;and

(b)where a firm in the course of its business receives the money or property of a third person and the money or property so received is misapplied by one or more of the partners while it is in the custody of the firm,

the firm is liable to make good the loss.

即将namely用于following case后面,将各种具体的情形明确列举,使逻辑关系非常清晰。不妨采纳类似表述而将例3改译如下:

译2:In any of the following cases,namely,

(1)where the applicant is physically or mentally incompetent(has limited or no full capacity for civil conduct);or

(2)where an applicant convicted of an offence made an application within 2years commencing as of the date of completion of sentencing terms to the date of application[48];or

(3)where the applicant suspended license by competent authority makes an application within 2years commencing as of the date of suspension to the date of application[49];or

(4)where the applicant is not eligible to administer such services as medical treatment,disease prevention,or health care,as stipulated otherwise by the administrative department of health under the state Council,

the Department may refuse to issue any license./the Department may deny an license or registration.[50]


译3:The Department may refuse to issue any license,if-

(1)the applicant is physically or mentally incompetent;or

(2)the applicant convicted of..or(3)..,or;(4)..

例4 伪造、变造会计凭证、会计账簿、编制虚假财务会计报告,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

译文1:Where accounting vouches or account books are counterfeited or altered,or false financial and accounting reports are prepared,and therefore a crime is constituted,criminal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with law.

译文2:If a person counterfeits or alters accounting vouches,account books,or financial statements,and constitutes criminal offence,criminal liability shall be pursued.

译文1采用where句型,采用的被动句型,并按照原文句式进行处理,以求平衡,但立法追究的是人的责任,故应将行为人作为主语方能更好地表明立法意图;译文2在语篇衔接上表示很符合逻辑,是人的行为构成犯罪,而不是“aperson..constitutes an offense”,亦不足取;可折中一下,不妨译为:

If a person counterfeits or alters accounting vouches,account books or financial statements in violation of penal law,criminal liability shall be pursued./a competent judicial organ shall prosecute the said person for his criminal responsibilityin accordance with law./he shall be liable for criminal responsibility.(即可译为被动句,也可补充“追究”的主语而译为主动句。)


如果“的”字句与句子的行为之间不存在动宾或主谓关系,则可将“的”字句译为纯粹的条件句,即分别表述为“in case of”、“if..”、“where..”、“when..”或其他介词结构引导的句型。

例1 第四十九条 企业法人有下列情形之一的,除法人承担责任外,对法定代表人可以给予行政处分、罚款,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:



译文1:Under any of the followingcircumstances,an enterprise as legal person shall bear liability,its legal representative may additionally be given administrative sanctions and fined and,if the offence constitutes a crime,criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law。

译文2:When one of the followingsituations exists with respect to an enterprisejuristic person,apart from responsibilities undertaken by the juristic person,an administrative sanction or a fine may be imposed on its legal representative;if a crime has been established,criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law for..(美国版)

译文3:Should any one of the following circumstances apply to a corporation,it shall assume liability and,in addition,its legal representative may be subject to administrative sanction or a fine;if a crime is constituted,criminal liability shall be investigated and determined according to the law…(澳大利亚版)

例1 是典型的“的”字结构,与后面主句中的行为不存在主谓或动宾逻辑关系。上面三种译法各有得失(参见陈忠诚的3A译本),笔者认为均不令人满意,故参照英国《合伙条例》的第13条的规定而改译如下:

译4:In the following cases,namely where enterprise-juristic person

(1)carries out illegal business activities beyond the scope of business approved and registered by the registration body;or

(2)conceals the true facts from the registration or tax authorities,or practices fraud..

the enterprise-juristic person shall assume liability and,in addition,its legal representative may be subject to administrative sanction or a fine;if a crime is constituted,criminal liability shall be investigated and determined according to the law.

例2 第六十九条 有下列情形之一的,委托代理终止:



译1:An entrusted agency shall end under any of the following circumstances:(1)when the period of agency expires or when the tasks entrusted are completed;(2)when the principal rescinds the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment..

译2:Should any one of the following conditions exist,the appointed agency shall terminate

(i)expiration of the period of agency or completion of the matters entrusted to the agent;

(ii)cancellation of the appointment by the principal or resignation from the appointment by the agent..

译3:Entrusted representation shall terminate in any of the following situations:

(1)the time period of the agency has expired or the task of the agent has been completed;

(2)the principal cancels the entrustment or the agent resigns from the entrustment;(美国版)


In the following cases,namely,

(1)where the time period of the agency has expired or the task of the agent has been completed;or

(2)where the principal cancels the entrustment or the agent resigns from the entrustment,the entrustedagency terminates.


The entrusted agency terminates,if-

(1)the time period of the agency has expired or the task of the agent has been completed;or

(2)the principal cancels the entrustment or the agent resigns from the entrustment;..

例3 第二百八十条 伪造、变造、买卖或者盗窃、抢夺、毁灭国家机关的公文、证件、印章的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利;情节严重的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。

本例的画线处为法律中的概括式立法模式,即以综合性、概括性的“情节严重”、“其他严重情节”、“其他特别严重情节”等作为情节加重犯成立的立法模式,属于逻辑结构中的假定结构,目前多译为“if the circumstance of such violation is severe”、“if the circumstances are serious”、“if the case is serious”、“if the violation is serious”等。[51]经查阅文献后发现,英美法系法律文本中极少使用这些表述。试看我国香港特区移民局对有关移民管制所做的规定:

The illegal workers were prosecuted and either fined or gaoled before being repatriated to their places of origin.Employers of illegal workers were also prosecuted and fined and,in serious cases,imprisoned.(Immigration Department,Immigration Control)

德国《刑法典》将叛国罪分为high treason和treason两类,前者的定义为:

“a violent attempt against the existence or the constitutional order of the Federal Republic of Germany,carrying apenalty of life imprisonment or a fixed term of at least ten years.In less serious cases,the penalty is 1-10years in prison.


apenalty of one to five years in prison.However,in especiallysevere cases,life imprisonment or any term of at least of five years may be sentenced.”


Whoever,with the purpose of inciting or supporting foreign enterprises aimed against the security of Switzerland,enters into contact with a foreign state or with foreign parties or other foreign organizations or their agents,or makes or disseminates untrue or tendentious claims,shall be punished with imprisonment of up to five years or a monetary penalty.

In grave cases the judge may pronounce a sentence of imprisonment of no less than a month.


the Court first announced the regulatory taking concept—that government regulation alone,without appropriation or physical invasion of property,may be a takingif sufficientlysevere(情节严重).

可见我国法律英译本中“the case/circumstance/situation is serious”之类的表述并不常见。故,不妨将“情节严重时”这一概况性规定译为英美法系中介词短语“in serious/grave/severe case”或者“if sufficiently severe”这一缩略(deletion)结构,进而可将本例改译为:

Anyone who forges,alters,buys or sells,steals,forcibly seizes,or destroys the official documents,certificates or seals of a state rogan,shall be sentenced to an imprisonment of not more than three years,criminal detention,public surveillance,or deprivations of political rights,and in severe case/if sufficientlysevere,be sentenced to an imprisonment of ten years or less but more than three years.


如前所述,我国法律法规中的假定也常由主谓结构担任,其功能与“的”字句相似。如果该结构担任主体,也可使用whoever/anyone who/anyone+分词/介词短语,或者使用aperson who结构;亦可根据英语的表述习惯而译为其他的假定条件句。

例1 违反本法规定,应当承担民事赔偿责任和缴纳罚款、罚金,其财产不足以同时支付时,先承担民事赔偿责任。

译1:A violator of this Law shall bear the civil compensation liability and pay the fine or pecuniary penalty.If its(his)property is insufficient to cover all the payment at the same time,it(he)shall first bear the civil compensation liability.(中)

译2:Anyone in violation of this Law shall be liable for civil compensation and payment of penalties and fines,and when the assets are not sufficient for payment,the civil compensation shall be executed first.(美)


例2 在中华人民共和国境内从事下列活动,应当遵守本法:(一)食品生产和加工(以下称食品生产),食品流通和餐饮服务(以下称食品经营);(二)……

译1:Those engaging in the following activities within the People’s Republic of China shall abide by this Law:1.food production and processing(hereinafter referred to as food production),and food circulation and catering services(hereinafter referred to as food business operation);2..

译2:The following business activities carried out within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall abide by this law:(1)Food production and processing(hereinafter referred to as“Food Production”);food distribution and catering service(hereinafter referred to as“Food Trading”);(2)..

本例中画线部分与冒号后面的并列结构构成同位语,即句子的主语为一些行为,故从语篇的主位述位推进模式这一视角而言,译1从逻辑上混乱,而且在序号的标注上不符合英语语法的表述规范。译2在语篇衔接上则更通顺,但activities..abide by the law的用法不妥,不妨改为comply with或conform to,因后者一般指行为或行为人符合某规定或要件,例如:

The Secretary may also require that a drawing of the mark,complyingwith such requirements as the Secretary may specify,accompany the application.

The Director may suspend or exclude from further practice before the Patent and Trademark Office any person,agent,or attorney shown to be incompetent or disreputable,or guilty of gross misconduct,or who does not complywith the regulations established under section 2(b)(2)(D)of this title;

而abide by一般用人作主语,即行为人遵守某法律(如law-abiding citizens)。

例3 省、自治区、直辖市制定严于强制性国家标准、行业标准的地方节能标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府报经国务院批准;本法另有规定的除外。

译1:The local energy conservation standards formulated by provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,which are more rigorous than the mandatory State or industrial standards shall be submitted to the State Council for approval by the people’s government thereof,unless otherwise provided for by this Law.

译2:If any province,autonomous region or municipality formulates local standards for energy conservation stricter than mandatory national and industrial standards,people’s government of such province,autonomous region or municipality shall submit the same to the State Council for approval,except for otherwise specified in this Law.


例4 第四十六条 企业法人终止,应当向登记机关办理注销登记并公告。

译1:Article 46.When an enterprise as legal person terminates,it shall cancel its registration with the registration authority and publicly announce the termination.(LAB)

译2:Article 46.Should a corporation terminate,it shall carry out procedures with the original registering body for cancellation of its registration and shall make a public announcement.(CCH)

译3:..When an enterprise juristic person is terminated,its registration should be cancelled with the registration agency and a public announcement made.(CLR)

译4:In the event of its termination,an enterprise-juristic person shall get itself deregistered and its termination announced.(陈忠诚)


If a corporation determines or is required to wind up,it shall apply to the registration authority to cancel/withdraw its registration and publicly announce the said cancellation or withdrawal.[53]


由于“对于句”引导的部分在句法上为受事,可考虑译为被动句,即将该受事作为受事主体,也可译为介词短语(for..;in respect to..等);也可如前面所述译为条件句。

例1 对农药、肥料、生长调节剂、兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂等的安全性评估,应当有食品安全风险评估专家委员会的专家参加。


译1:The safety assessment of pesticides,fertilizers,growth regulators,animal drugs,feed,feed additives,etc.,shall be attended by experts from the Expert Committee On Food Safety Risk Assessment.


译2:In the event of safetyassessment of pesticides,fertilizers,growth regulators,animal drugs,feed,feed additives,etc.,experts from the Expert Committee On Food Safety Risk Assessment shall be present.

译3:When assessing the safety of pesticides,fertilizers,growth regulators,animal drugs,feed,feed additives,etc.,experts from the Expert Committee On Food Safety Risk Assessment shall be present.

例2 国家对落后的耗能过高的用能产品、设备和生产工艺实行淘汰制度。(《能源法》第十六条)


The State implements a system of eliminating the outdated energy-consuming products,equipment and processes of excessively high energy consumption.

例3 对超过单位产品能耗限额标准用能的生产单位,由管理节能工作的部门按照国务院规定的权限责令限期治理。对高耗能的特种设备,按照国务院的规定实行节能审查和监管。


译1:The manufacturers that use energy exceeding the standard of energy consumption limit on unit product shall be ordered to make corrections within the specified periods.//or:The departments in charge of administration of energy conservation work shall,to the extent of authority as specified by the State Council,order those manufacturers that use energy exceeding the standard of energy consumption limit on unit product to make corrections within the specified periods.

With respect to special equipment of high energy consumption,examination and supervision on energy conservation shall be conducted pursuant to regulations of the State Council.//or:Special equipment of high energy consumption shall be subject to examination and control for energy conservation as required by the State Council.

例4 对债务人的特定财产享有担保权的债权人,未放弃优先受偿权利的,对于本法第六十一条第一款第七项、第十项规定的事项不享有表决权。


Anycreditor who enjoys secured priority claim against the specific property of the debtor and has not waived the repayment priority,is not entitled to vote on any issues or matters as stipulated in Section 61(a)(7)and Section 61(a)(10)of this Law.


If an creditor enjoys secured priority claim against the specific property of the debtor and has not waived the repayment priority,he shall not enjoy the right to vote for any matter as stipulated in Section 61(a)(7)and Section 61(a)(10)of this Law.


可适当地处理为由in case of,if..,where..,when..,for purpose of等引导的结构。

例1 第三十一条 县级以上质量监督、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门应当依照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定,审核申请人提交的本法第二十七条第一项至第四项规定要求的相关资料,必要时对申请人的生产经营场所进行现场核查。

“必要时”在句中做状语,可译为英语中的if necessary/when necessary均符合法律英语的表述规范。试译:

Article 31.The executive departments of health,agriculture,quality supervision,industry and commerce,and food and drug administration at the county level or above shall review applicants’documents as required by Article 27(1),(2),(3)and(4)of the Law in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Licensing,and shall inspect the applicant’s production or trading place if necessary/when necessary.

例2 第三十六条 房地产开发企业在销售房屋时,应当向购买人明示所售房屋的节能措施、保温工程保修期等信息,在房屋买卖合同、质量保证书和使用说明书中载明,并对其真实性、准确性负责。

译1:Article 36When selling houses,real estate developers shall show clearly to the buyers,among other things,the energy conservation measures for the houses to be sold and the period of guarantee for the thermal insulation facilities,have such information clearly indicated in the real estate transaction contracts,the letters of guarantee for quality and the users’manuals,and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracyof such information.(中)

译2:Article 36When selling houses,real estate development enterprises shall demonstrate to buyers information on measures for energy conservation,term of warranty for warm-keeping projects,and shall state the same in House Purchase and Sale Contracts,Letter of Quality Guarantee and Users’Guide,and shall be responsible for the authenticity and accuracythereof.(美)

从整体结构而言,两个译法均可取,但译2中使用的demonstrate,term of warranty,the same以及thereof等正式词汇,更符合法律文体的要求,只是其中并列结构使用了两个“and shall”有违英语语法。

例3 食品生产经营应当符合食品安全标准,并符合下列要求:(1)食品生产经营人员应当保持个人卫生,生产经营食品时,应当将手洗净,穿戴清洁的工作衣、帽;销售无包装的直接入口食品时,应当使用无毒、清洁的售货工具;(……食品安全法27条)

译1:A food producer or business operator shall meet the food safety standards and satisfy the following requirements:(1)ensuring that the persons engaging the production or business operation of food shall keep personal hygiene,wash their hands clean and wear clean clothes and hats during the process of production or business operation,and that they use innocuous and clean vending devices when selling unpacked ready-to-eat food..(中)

译2:Any food production or trading activities shall comply with food safety standards and the following requirements:

(1)Food producers and traders shall maintain personal hygiene,clean their hands,and dress in clean clothing and cap;use sterilized and clean vending tools for direct consumption food without a package...(美)



在古罗马时,所有法律行为都不能附条件,法律行为即时发生效力,亦采取相反方式消灭效力。以后允许遗嘱、要物契约可附停止条件,但不能附加解除条件,如有附加视为未附加。到罗马共和末期产生解除条件,用于对抗债权人违约行为;对要式买卖、债务免除、婚姻、收养、认领、继承等,不得附加条件。至近现代,法国、德国、意大利等国民法典均明确规定了解除条件。具体而言,“解除条件句”(A condition subsequent)指:

..a condition that if performed or existing will excuse performance by another.The term is used in contract law to excuse a party from performing upon the nonoccurrence or existence of the condition.A condition subsequent is an act or event,not certain to occur,which if it occurs discharges a duty of performance which has already arisen.It refers to a future event,upon the happening of which the obligation becomes no longer binding upon the other party if that party chooses to apply that condition.It is opposed to a condition precedent,which is a condition which is to be performed before some right dependent thereon accrues or some act dependent thereon is performed.Condition subsequent refers to an event or state of affairs that brings an end to something else.A condition subsequent is often used in a legal context as a marker bringing an end to one’s legal rights or duties.[54]Common uses include language such as“may”,“but if”,“however”,or“provided that..”In comparison,a condition subsequent brings a duty to an end whereas a condition precedent initiates a duty.[55]


在英美规定性法律文本中,通常表现为由“Unless/Except/save”(otherwise agreed/stated/provided/stipulated/allowed/specified)[56],other than,以及其他一些引导但书(proviso)的句型(如provided for,provided that)等结构。例如:

Except as expressly excluded in subsections(a),(b),(c),(d),(e)(3),and(e)(5)of this section,nothing in this chapter shall prevent the registration of a mark used by the applicant which has become distinctive of the applicant’s goods in commerce.

A mortgagee who exercises a power to sell mortgaged property must not become the purchaser of the mortgaged property except,—

(a)in accordance with section 166,at a sale of land or goods through the Registrar;or

(b)in accordance with an order of a court made under section 168.




对英汉法律规范中解除条件句的位置进行对比分析后发现,法律英语中由“unless/except/save otherwise..”引导的结构可置于主句前面或后面,位置比较灵活;由provided that引导的结构则比较特殊:如果位于主句前,常引导停止条件;若位于主句后,则常引导但书。而法律汉语中,“除……外”常用于主句前,而“……除外”和“但是,……除外”等但书形式却常用于句末。因此,在翻译中应注意汉英语言各自的表达习惯。


“unless/except/save otherwise..”和“provided that”等表示解除条件的结构可译为汉语的“除……外”或“但……除外”[59],但须考虑这类结构在汉语中的位置。

例1 In this Ordinance,unless the context otherwise requires,“business”includes every trade,occupation,or profession.



例2 Where an application is made under this rule-

(a)notice of the application must be given to the party for whom the solicitor is acting,unless the court directs otherwise;(b)..


例3 Save as is provided in this Ordinance,no claim within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be actionable in any court.

在普通英语中,save是一个及物动词,但在法律英语中却常用作介词,相当于except(for)。从词源而言,save源语法语,系法国人曾长期统治英国的产物,常译为“除……外”,其后面可跟一个名词短语,也可以跟一个从句或另一个介词短语,其常用句型save as(is)provided/stipulated。由于except,except for,unless等更为常见,故常用except as(is)provided/stipulated和unless otherwise provided/stipulated来代替“save as(is)provided/stipulated”。



例4 Provided always that,where the Engineer has certified and the Employer has paid direct as aforesaid,the Engineer shall in issuing any further certificate in favor of the Contractor deduct from the amount thereof the amount so paid,direct as aforesaid.

用于句首时,provided(always)that..常表达一个“例外、限制或附加条件”,意思是on the condition that;only if;so long as;providing(that);as long as;if;but;however等。试译:


当用于主句后面时,provided that;provided however that这类程式化表述常引导但书(Provisos),一般用逗号或冒号将其与主句隔开,可译为“但是……”。例如:

Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct,represents himself as a partner in a particular firm is liable as a partner to any one who had,on the faith of any such representation,given credit to the firm:Provided that where,after a partner’s death,the partnership business is continued in the old firm-name,the continued use of that name or of the deceased partner’s name as part thereof shall not of itself make his executors’or administrators’estate or effects,liable for ay partnership debts contracted after his death.


再如:Any fee or charge made payable by or under any Ordinance to the Crown or the government or to any public body other than the Urban Council or the Regional Council or public officer,not being a fee or charge which is regulated by rules of court may be reduced or varied by order of the Governor:Provided that no variation thereof shall cause such fee or charge to exceed the original figure.


Section 111(1)provided that a local authority should have power to do anything..which is calculated to facilitate,or is conducive or incidental to,the discharge of any of their functions.

可将provided that从句视为provide引导的宾语从句,译为“规定”,全句可译为:第111条第1款规定,地方当局有权采取一切措施……履行其职责。

例5 The United States Patent and Trademark Office shall be deemed,for purposes of venue in civil actions,to be a resident of the district in which its principal office is located,except where jurisdiction is otherwise provided bylaw.

An application for patent shall be made,or authorized to be made,by the inventor,except as otherwise provided in this title,in writing to the Director.


例6 No award made under this section shall be assignable or transferable or liable to be attached,sequestered or levied upon for or in respect of anydebt or claim whatsoever other than a debt due to the Government.


例7 Unless the contractor’s Representative is named in the Contract,the Contractor shall prior to the Commencement Date,submit to the Engineer for consent the name and particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint as Contractor’s Representative.







例1 食品安全标准是强制执行的标准。除食品安全标准外,不得制定其他的食品强制性标准。(《食品安全法》第十九条)

试译:Food safety standards are mandatory.Except for the food safety standards,no other mandatory standards for food shall be developed.

例2 除本法第二百五十五条的规定外,保险标的发生全损,保险人支付全部保险金额的,取得对保险标的的全部权利;但是,在不足额保险的情况下,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例取得对保险标的的部分权利。

试译:Except as stipulated in Article 255of this Act,where a total loss occurs to the subject matter insured and the full insured amount is paid,the insurer shall acquire the full right to the subject matter insured.In the case of under-insurance,the insurer shall acquire the right to the subject matter insured in the proportion that the insured amount bears to the insured value.

例3 根据第(1)款发出的通知书,除其中另有规定外,适用于通知书中所指的财产收入。

试译:A notice under subsection(1)shall,unless it otherwise provides/unless otherwise provided(or stipulated)herein,apply to the income from any property specified therein as it applies to the property itself.

例4 公司成员人数不超过五十人(不包括公司雇用的人士,亦不包括先前受公司雇用并且在雇用期间为公司成员以及雇用终止之后仍为公司成员的人士),但是两人或两人以上联名持有公司的一份或多份股份的,视为本款所述的一个成员。

试译:The number of members of the company(exclusive of persons who are in the employment of the company and of persons who having been formerly in the employment of the company were while in such employment and have continued after the determination of such employment to be members of the company)is limited to 50.Provided that where 2or more persons hold one or more shares in the company jointly,they shall for the purpose of this regulation be treated as a single member.

例5 省、自治区、直辖市制定严于强制性国家标准、行业标准的地方节能标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府报经国务院批准;本法另有规定的除外。

试译:If any province,autonomous region or municipality formulates local standards for energy conservation stricter than mandatory national and industrial standards,people’s government of such province,autonomous region or municipality shall submit the same to the State Council for approval,except for otherwise specified in this Law/unless otherwise provided for bythis Law.

例6 食品检验机构按照国家有关认证认可的规定取得资质认定后,方可从事食品检验活动。但是,法律另有规定的除外。

译1:Food testing agencies shall not perform food testing only unless they have been accredited in accordance with relevant State requirements on certification and accreditation,unless otherwise specified bylaw.

译2:Unless otherwise specified by law,no food testing agencies may perform food testing unless they have been accredited in accordance with relevant State requirements on certification and accreditation.

译3:Food testing agencies shall perform food testing only after they have been accredited in accordance with relevant State requirements on certification and accreditation,unless otherwise specified bylaw.

