首页 理论教育 标点符号及其翻译


时间:2022-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第三章 标点符号及其翻译Punctuation is a tool that the draftsman can ill afford to neglect.He should master it and use it as finishing device together with other typographical aids in carrying meaning.But he should not rely solely on it to do what an arrangement of words can do.It is here that punctuation marks are the most abused.——Reed Dickerson,The Fundamentals of Legal Drafting,1965:117.在前面的章节中,我们谈及在援引法律渊源时,我国与英美法系国家,以及英美法系国家内部都存在差异。在司法实践中,因标点符号的有无而造成巨大经济损失的案件不在少数。

第三章 标点符号及其翻译

Punctuation is a tool that the draftsman can ill afford to neglect.He should master it and use it as finishing device together with other typographical aids in carrying meaning.But he should not rely solely on it to do what an arrangement of words can do.It is here that punctuation marks are the most abused.

——Reed Dickerson,The Fundamentals of Legal Drafting,1965:117.


在司法实践中,因标点符号的有无而造成巨大经济损失的案件不在少数。例如在Anderson v.State Farm Mut.Auto.Ins.Co.(1969)270Cal.App.2d346)一案中,法院对逗号的使用进行了分析,以决定被保险人是否符合保险条款的规定范围。该保险条款规定:

Such insurance as is afforded by this policy..with respect to the owned automobile applies to use of a non-owned automobile by the named insured..and any other person or organization legally responsible for the use by the named insured..of an automobile not owned or hired by such other person or organization provided such use is with the permission of the owner or person in lawful possession of such automobile.[1]

上诉法院认为,从语义和语法角度而言,保险条款并无歧义,即被保险人属于保险条款规定的保险范围,尽管她是在未经许可的情况驾驶别人的车而受伤。[2]除应根据语境做其他解释外,限制性从句应修饰与其最近的先行词。[3]如果在organization与provided之间有一个逗号(comma),则另当别论,但事实是其间并未使用逗号。因此,由provided引导的但书只修饰除被保险人之外的其他个人或组织(other person or organization)。[4]

如果该案尚不足以凸显标点符号的重要性,那另一个案件则足以让人侧目。Toronto Globe and Mail(July 8,2006)曾以“The$2-million comma”的醒目标题刊出了下列报道:

“It could be the most costly piece of punctuation in Canada.A grammatical blunder may force Rogers Communications Inc.to pay an extra$2.13million to use utility poles in the Maritimes after the placement of a comma in a contract permitted the deal’s cancellation.The controversial comma sent lawyers and telecommunications regulators scrambling for their English textbooks in a bitter 18-month dispute that serves as an expensive reminder ofthe importance of punctuation.”[5]

该报道的主角Rogers Communications因一个逗号就损失了200多万美元。该事件的争议焦点是合同的Section 8.1,其规定如下:

Subject to the termination provisions of the SSA,the SSA shall be effective from the date it is made and shall continue in force for a period of five(5)years from the date it is made,and thereafter for successive five(5)year terms,unless and until terminated by one year prior to notice in writing by either party.(para.16CRTC Decision 2006-45)

即,Rogers Communications在约定使用期限时,在terms与unless之间增加了一个逗号(见画线处),从而使加拿大广播电视及通讯委员会(CRTC)做出下述认定:“根据标点符号使用的有关规则,在unless and until这一结构前使用逗号,表示其修饰前面的两个短语结构”。[6]即如果没有第二个逗号,则可以(免费)使用5年,在该5年到期后能否续展则取决于双方的决定,而使用该逗号后就把前面的续展有效期给限定于双方的意思表达了。


我国古代类似的合同纠纷[7],以及上述加拿大的Rogers Communications一案那种一字千金的教训,足以使我们重视标点符号。对我们从事法律翻译的人士而言,如何处理源语与目的语的标点符号也将决定翻译的成败。有学者曾撰文探讨西文标点符号和中文标点符号之关系,指出中西标点符号部分具有各自的起源个性,部分具有共同的起源和共性,并因两类标点符号系统起源和特性的差异而存在同形的标点符号不同用法的现象,因而存在标点符号的翻译问题,随后就将拉丁法律文献翻译为中文时的标点符号转换问题,尤其探讨了冒号和分号的翻译问题。[8]该文探讨的是拉丁语与汉语的标点符号的转换问题,但其中提及“因符号系统的差异必然导致标点符号使用上的差异”这一结论,对英汉法律法规同样适用。尽管本章内容理应在第四章里介绍,但基于其特殊性,单列一章,简要介绍标点符号的发展史,进而对英、汉法律中的标点符号的使用差异进行梳理,并对其间的转换进行探讨。

