首页 理论教育 “谅解备忘录”汉英翻译的处理


时间:2022-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈






标题主要涉及话语范围和话语方式。一则“谅解备忘录”,既有直接以“谅解备忘录”充当该语篇类型标题的情况,也有在其前面增加修饰语的情况,如“商业和技术合作谅解备忘录”、“中华人民共和国政府和智利共和国政府渔业合作谅解备忘录”等,汉英翻译时,既可直接使用Memorandum of Understanding翻译标题,也可采用Memorandum of Understanding on/for...(between...and...)的结构来翻译标题,如: Memorandum of Understanding for Business and Technical Collaboration between POLITEC Ltd and NEUSOFT Co.,Ltd.;Memorandum of Understanding on fishery cooperation between the government of People's Republic of China and the government of the Republic of Chile。本“谅解备忘录”翻译成“Memorandum of Understanding on the New Long March's Purchase of the One Hundred Percent Shares Held by Jiubao”,而没有使用“between...and...”,是因为本备忘录所牵涉的机构过多,不便于在标题上全部列出,只好选择在正文中列出。


常用介词主要涉及话语基调和话语方式。在“谅解备忘录”中,诸如“就”、“按”、“以”、“对”、“与……有关”、“根据”这类介词使用非常频繁。汉语中的“就”、“对”、“与……有关”等介词意思相近,但根据“谅解备忘录”的话语基调和话语方式,均需将它们翻译成“in respect of”,而“按”、“以”、“根据”则亦可基于“谅解备忘录”的话语基调和话语方式翻译成“pursuant to”或“in accordance with”。本“谅解备忘录”中下面这些句子均使用到上面所列举的某个介词,其英译文随之附后:

就新长征购买久保持有的五家公司100%股权事宜,各方达成以下协议。(In respect of the New Long March's purchase of the one hundred percent shares held by Jiubao,all parties have agreed as follows.)

股权转让价格按五家公司的非流动资产、商誉、流动资产的净值计算。(The price for shareholder's right transfer shall be calculated pursuant to the non-current assets,the business reputation and the net value of current assets from the“Five Companies”.)

非流动资产及商誉的底价为人民币3 800万元,其中非流动资产价值以2006年3月31日五家公司的非流动资产的账面价值计算,如在实际成交日五家公司的非流动资产的账面价值发生增减变化,则应对股权转让价格作相应调整。(the base price for non-current assets and business reputation shall be RMB 38 million yuan with the value of non-current assets calculated pursuant to the book value of non-current assets from the Five Companies by March Thirty-First,Two Thousands and Six.If,on the actual date of transaction,the book value of the non-current assets of the Five Companies varies,corresponding adjustments shall be made in respect of the price for shareholder's right transfer in order to reflect the above changes.)

流动资产净值按实际成交日的流动资产账面价值减去所有负债后的净值计算。(the net value for current assets shall be calculated pursuant to the net value drawn from deducting all liabilities from the current assets on the actual date of transaction.)

同时,五家公司会对四个品牌、厂家现行商务政策给予披露。(Meanwhile,Jiubao should make known to the New Long March the current business strategies in respect of the four brands and their manufacturers.)

除上述授权代表之外,久保不承认任何其他人(无论其是否为久保的员工或与久保有任何关联关系)做出的与上述股权转让有关的任何承诺或提供的与上述股权转让有关的任何信息的效力和真实性。(Apart from the above two authorized representatives,Jiubao will not acknowledge any promise made by any other person in respect of the aforementioned transfer of shareholders'right whether the person is a staff member of Jiubao or whether the person has a close relationship with Jiubao;nor will Jiubao acknowledge the validity and authenticity of any information provided by any other person in respect of the aforementioned transfer of shareholders'right.)

本谅解备忘录是根据中华人民共和国法律签订并依其解释。(This MOU is signed and interpreted pursuant to/in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.)




本谅解备忘录经各方或其法定代表人或授权人士签署(法人应加盖其公章)后生效。(This MOU will come to effect after all parties or legal representatives or authorized representatives have approved by signing their signatures(For legal representatives'signatures,the company stamps are needed).

本谅解备忘录是根据中华人民共和国法律签订并依其解释。各方同意因解释或履行本谅解备忘录而发生的任何争议,任何一方可向人民法院起诉。(This MOU is signed and interpreted pursuant to/in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.All parties agree that any party can bring a lawsuit before a People's Court if any dispute arises from different interpretations or from the implementation of this MOU.)


话语基调体现人际关系,由人际功能中的语气系统即“finite(限定成分)+predicator(谓体)”构成。本“谅解备忘录”之受众均被要求按照约定履行各自的责任和义务。因此,在语言表述上,必须体现出义务和责任方面的信息。在汉语原文中,使用了诸如“应”、“将”、“无需”、“可”等体现义务(obligation)和意愿(inclination)的能愿动词;另外还使用了诸如“具有法律约束力”(be legally binding upon all parties involved)、“达成以下协议”(all parties have agreed as follows)、“由……指定”(will be designated by)、“负责……交接给……”(shall hand over to somebody something)、“则上述定金自动转为股权转让价款”(the above earnest money will be automatically converted into the price charge for the shareholder's right transfer)、“有权扣留上述定金”(can reserve the right to detain the earnest money)、“则本谅解备忘录项下的股权转让自动终止”(the shareholders’right transfer stipulated in this MOU will automatically terminate)、“不承认……的效力和真实性”(will not acknowledge the validity and authenticity of something)、“对各方均有约束力”(be binding upon all parties)、“本谅解备忘录一式四份,双方各执两份为凭”(This MOU is made out in four copies,two for either party.)等表达方式,以体现所约定事宜的不可协商性。

在把汉语的具有法律性质的语篇类型中所使用的“应”和“将”字翻译成英语时,通常须使用“shall”。该词主要表示应当履行的义务、债务和应承担的法律责任。如果未履行“shall”所载明的约定或合同上的义务,就视为违约而构成违约责任。该词的使用不受句中主语的人称影响(胡庚申等,2001:373-374)。对于“无需”,可根据其使用的语境翻译成“need not”或“without the need to”。“可”字多数时候翻译成“can”即可。



上面的行业话语应翻译为:1)the price for shareholder's right transfer; 2)non-current assets;3)the base price for business reputation;4)the book value;5)the actual date of transaction;6)the net value for current assets; 7)the net value drawn from deducting all liabilities from the current assets; 8)the current management power and dealership;9)the current business strategies;10)the sales networks and channels;11)a fiduciary credit; 12)the earnest money;13)financial due diligence and legal due diligence; 14)financial data;15)legal representatives or authorized representatives.


